Our Data

Our data-driven approach helps highlight trends, disparities, and opportunities for reform across Idaho’s justice system. By making this data accessible, we aim to foster transparency, inform evidence-based decision-making, and drive meaningful change.

IDOC Population Snapshot: 12.31.2021 Data Analysis — Females

This data sheet, prepared by Sean Falconer in October 2023, analyzes data from the Idaho Department of Corrections on female offenders as of December 31, 2021. The data sheet also examines sentence lengths, time served, and demographic information of female offenders, including education levels, substance use, and mental health issues.

Incarcerated Mothers in Idaho Jails and Prisons

Supporting incarcerated women in their parenting roles is crucial for reducing recidivism and improving their overall well-being. This factsheet presents data on incarcerated mothers in Idaho jails and prisons, highlighting that many incarcerated mothers have been separated from their children for extended periods, and spotlighting the needs for parenting support for the mothers in Idaho’s prisons and jails.